
The first part of any successful weight loss program is dieting; a word not many people want to hear. Dieting isn't just avoiding foods one would consider unhealthy, it is determining which foods offer benefits to you. Some often confuse dieting with fasting or crash dieting which is a poor substitute and can negatively affect your health. A comprehensive diet is a diet that gives you the best balance of the vital nutrients your body needs. Our physicians can determine what foods you should be eating and which ones to stay away from to balance your diet and set you up for losing healthily.

Our physicians can use lifestyle and lab work* to sculpt the best diet program for you. Not only will you lost weight but you will most likely lower many risk factors for diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.


The word everyone is afraid of. Exercise is by far the best way to lose weight, get healthy, and can dramatically increase your life expectancy. Exercise counteracts the effects of eating by causing your body to use all of the resources you consume while eating to strengthen itself. The best exercises for somebody trying to lose weight and increase muscle definition are aerobic exercises. These endurance exercises cause the muscles to complete numerous repetitions to burn through the body's glycogen stores. Our program does involve the start of an exercise routine in your life; our doctors will guide you through the creation of "your" routine and motivate you along the way. All exercise routines should be supervised by an experienced trainer or friend to minimize the chance of injury. Even for someone who has not enjoyed exercise in the past, the benefits of exercise far outweight the inconvenience and is a necessary part to a slim lifestyle.


Another important part of our program is supplementing your diet with essential vitamins to give you more enegry. Vitamins are important in keeping metabolism going by acting to catalyze (increase the rate of) chemical reactions in your body. Through years of experience we have determined the most essential vitamin for anyone involved in diet or weight loss. We, therefore, administer B-12 to our patients during every visit. B-12 acts as a blood builder and will help increase red blood cell count which affects how your body processes oxygen and removes carbon dioxide, giving you more energy which not only makes you feel good but helps in the burning of calories.

Appetite Suppressant*

The appetite suppressant is the last part of our program. Combined with diet and exercise, appetite suppression can make the difference with post workout or evening hunger pangs. Not only will your appetite be suppressed but you will feel more energetic throughout the day. The appetite suppressants we use are Phentermine Hydrochloride, Diethylpropion, and Phendimetrazine, which are very effective at suppressing your appetite. And unlike those sold over the counter or by internet pharmacies our medications are safe, effective, and FDA approved for weight loss. There are no serious interactions or side effects with the medications. The most noticed side effect is appetite suppression and weight loss making our medication a very effective tool at achieving your goals. Our patients not only have the experience of our doctors but the comfort in knowing we are using the most proven medication available.

* Requests for lab work and administrations of any medications is under our physicians' discretion. If our physicians believe it is not medically necessary for a patient to be described medication Physicians Weight Control will provide a refund of services for the visit.

Our physicians will sit down with you one on one every visit and design "your" diet, not only to attack the fat but help lower cholesterol and any other health risks associated with weight gain. We help you lose and are cheaper than programs that limit themselves to just watching your diet. Our program has no contracts to sign and there is no obligation to continue treatment. If you would like more information about how to start our program or schedule an appointment give us a call or contact us here.